Investment Seminars for Youth
We, at Dhanavruksha are highly committed to educate the youth on effective Wealth Management, encouraging them to adequately invest and insure from their very early stage to avoid financial shocks to themselves and the dependent family.
As youth have the most powerful tool “TIME” on their hands , they starting investments early and allocating decent portion of their investments to equity oriented instruments can accumulate huge wealth for them over the long term. If the youth who decide the future of the country take the right investment decisions it would directly impact the economy and growth of the country, to which we would like to make our contribution. With this intent we conduct educational seminars for the youth at corporates and colleges to sow the seeds for managing their wealth effectively from their very early age. We welcome invitations from corporates and colleges and we would be happy to conduct such seminars for them.
Risk Factors – Investments in Mutual Funds are subject to Market Risks. Read all scheme related documents carefully before investing. Mutual Fund Schemes do not assure or guarantee any returns. Past performances of any Mutual Fund Scheme may or may not be sustained in future. There is no guarantee that the investment objective of any suggested scheme shall be achieved. All existing and prospective investors are advised to check and evaluate the Exit loads and other cost structure (TER) applicable at the time of making the investment before finalizing on any investment decision for Mutual Funds schemes. We deal in Regular Plans only for Mutual Fund Schemes and earn a Trailing Commission on client investments. Disclosure For Commission earnings is made to clients at the time of investments. Option of Direct Plan for every Mutual Fund Scheme is available to investors offering advantage of lower expense ratio. We are not entitled to earn any commission on Direct plans. Hence we do not deal in Direct Plans.
AMFI Registered Mutual Fund Distributor | Date of initial Registration: 05.07.2022 | Current validity: 04.07.2025.
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